1) Building Polyhouse And Shade Net House : polyhouse & net house is the must need for farming high value crop bfds build polyhouse and shade net house for the farmer comparatively lower price,beside maintaning all the quality parameter mention in "ncpah" guideline.
2) Seting Up Micro Irrigation System: micro irigation is the only sulution to get miximam crop yeild from limited water. we set up drip and sprinkler irrigation system at the farm of our member's farmer.as per crop requerment.
3) Procecing, And Marketing Of Agri Produces: processing and properly marketing any product is lots of work and needs knowledge of marketing , designing and more. We train farmers to market their products.
4) Giving Traning To Produce High Value Crop : High value corp is that makes farming more worthy than any other works, our team of highly knowlagable farmers have understood and find few crops that can give High returns. We help you produce that.
5) Implimengting Govt Scheem For Farmers: Indian farmers are rich with knowledge of farming but very poor to gain knowledge about State and Central Govt schemes. We help them understand all the relatable schemes.
6) Running Awarness Programs Among Farmers: Awarness programmes about various topics. Whether its about Using Android apps for farming or helath issue we arrange many Programmes to create awareness. Our awarness program is not only on farming topics but also on useage of related technologoes in farming fields . We also teach about various apps those are created for farmers. Our aim is to teach every farmer the right use of modern technologyin farming and daily life.
Polyhouse/Greenhouse cultivation is a cultivation of crops under complete controlled enviromental conditions like temperature, humidity, fertilizers etc with the automated system. It is estimated that we can earn approximately 6-7 lakhs per acre net profit in a year by following proper polyhouse cultivation practices.
The multiple advantages of using a shade net house are: Ø Helps in cultivating vegetable, spices, medicinal plants, aromatic plants and a variety of different plants depending on the kind of usage you will be having. Ø Shade net houses are of utmost importance in raising nurseries of vegetables and fruits.
Complete team of Farmers at IIT Kharagpur during the training program conducted by hosted by agriculture and food engineering department .
our mission is to provide a 360' service platform to the farmer, from crop selection to infrustructure building,pest amagement harvesting, transporting, procecing & marketing and exporting of agri produces .as becose about 60% of indian population dependent of agriculture. so we belife by improving farming we can improve the life of common INDIAN